Too many students have a false sense of security when on a college campus. It is easy to feel safe when you are surrounded by your peers who you believe to be honest students like yourself. The reality is that you never know who you can trust, and that doesn’t change when you step onto a college campus. Here are a few tips that may help you avoid dangerous or risky situations.
1. Do not let technology make you blind to your surroundings.
a. At this day in age, you can’t even walk down the street without a majority of the people around staring at some sort of screen. Do not allow yourself to become a victim by not paying attention.
b. If you like to listen music with earbuds/headphones, be extra visually aware of what and who is around you because you may not hear what’s happening around you.
2. Never walk alone at night.
a. It is always smart to utilize some sort of buddy system. Ask a friend or roommate to walk with you to make sure you arrive safely at your destination. If your campus has a “safe ride home” or a similar shuttle system in place, take advantage of that instead of walking alone.
3. Lock your doors.
a. College life can cause young adults to become carefree and relaxed. In this type of environment it is important that you remember to practice basic safety precautions such as locking your door, especially when you are sleeping or alone.
4. Locate emergency system areas on your campus.
a. A majority of college campuses have emergency call buttons and/or phones that are distributed all over the campus that students can use if there is an emergency. Find out what type of emergency system your campus has, and make note of where those systems are placed so that you know where to find them should you ever be in an emergency situation.
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